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The Safe House

The Safe House

via. All Design

Photographs Provided By KWK Promes

오랜만에 재미있는 건물 하나가 지어 졌군요. 말 그대로 안전가옥 정도 되겠는데. 재미있는 점은 기본 컨셉이 영화 트랜스 포머와 같이 건물이 변신하는데 있다는 거죠. 하나의 네모 큐브로 되어 있던 건물이 부분적으로 오픈 되면서 변신을 하게 됩니다. 버튼 하나로 안전을 보장할 수 있는 그야말로 철옹성 같은 집이지만 변신을 통해 시원한 오픈감을 보여줍니다. 아..역시 수영장이 제일 부럽군요..

The Safe House is a home with the capability to achieve maximum security along with the ability to open up and transform into more vulnerable states. Architecture firm KWK Promes left no security issue out when they designed and constructed the 6,100 Sq.Ft. Safe House. In order to enter the Safe House you would need to match all the required security entrance codes. Upon entrance, one would wait in the ‘safety zone’, an area bordered with concrete walls, before let inside the house. When the home is in it’s closed state it seems to be a large concrete cube, when it is in its open state a draw bridge comes down connecting the home to the indoor swimming pool, movable walls open, mobile shutters come up, and an aluminum roll down gate raises opening the home to huge garden views. The entire home transforms with built in electronic engines, which means, the house opens and closes with the touch of a button!