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Hidden Gems of Yemen

Hidden Gems of Yemen

via. archdaily

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Yemen is a country rich with history. Its cities are full of architectural monuments that are constructed with a craft that often goes overlooked. These cities merge seamlessly with the surrounding landscape, contextually complementing each other.

Al Hajjara is one such village that warrants a closer look. Built on the precipice of a mountain, the architecture clings to the sides of the cliffs. Multi-story buildings rise up out of the ground and step their way to the top. It is quite amazing given the fact that these buildings were constructed hundreds of years ago, and are still standing


Al Tawila is another such town that is located on the peripheries of a mountain. Situated on the edges of nearly depleted oil fields, its future remains uncertain. However, this gem of a town would garner any architectural enthusiasts’ attention


Finally, the capital Sana’a is another destination worthy of exploration. The history and culture within this Yemeni city are enough to keep any prospective tourist busy. The propensity for multi-storied buildings with intricate detailing has made the streets of Sana’a a dense labyrinth yet exciting to explore. The mild climate ensures that this city remains a year round destination


While this portion of the has experienced its fair share of negative exposure, its architecture, rich history, and culture are deserving of exploration.

References: www.kuriositas.com
Photographs: Flickr user: CharlesFred, Ai@ce, Tom Vogler