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[ Grimshaw ] Horno 3 Steel Museum

Architects: Grimshaw – Christian Hoenigschmid-Grossich
Location: ,

뜨거운 용광로가 아직은 식기는 이른 것 같아요.
버려전 용광로를 새로운 갤러리 공간과 박물관의 공간으로 탈바꿈 시켰네요.
제철의 역사 전시관, 현대 제철의 전시관, 그리고 용광로를 집적체험하는 체험관,
교육관, 창고 그리고 레스토랑과 박물관 기념품을 파는 기념품관을 계획하여
하나의 문화공간으로 재 탄생시켰어요.
우리에게도 하나씩 퇴보되고 사양되는 산업이 발생하면서
그 공간들의 빈자리들이 남겨지 시작하고 있죠.
도시적 맥락에서 그 공간의 숨을 잘 이어주어야 하는 것이
나중 다음시대를 살아갈 사람들에게 역사라는 단어로
우리를 아니 장소를 남겨주어야 겠지요.

Horno³: Museo del Acero (the “Furnace #3 Museum”) in , ,comprises a restoration of derelict 1960’s blast furnace and a new wingproviding additional gallery space and museum facilities. The museumchronicles the industrial history of this northern city, which for muchof the 20th century was renowned for its production. Prior to its conversion to a museum, the abandoned blastfurnace had stood as a poignant 80m high reminder of the hard workingpast of this city which has since moved on to embrace high-techindustries. The architectural challenge was to balance sensitivehistoric preservation against the requirement for a dynamic new symbolin its changed context, the surrounding steelworks having beenconverted recently into a public park. The new building needed to beinclusive and one that the older generations who worked at the formerplant and their children and grandchildren would feel represented theirproud history while looking forward to the future.

from  http://5osa.tistory.com